Monday, December 30, 2019
Man experiences a week at work as a woman, is horrified
Man experiences a week at work as a woman, is horrifiedMan experiences a week at work as a woman, is horrifiedYou can add this to the list of everyday hazards of being a woman. Even just having a female name can be a disadvantage.Martin R. schuster, an editor for Front Row Central, explained how on Thursday. On Twitter, he talked about an experiment he did with his female co-worker Nicole Hallberg when they worked at an employment service firm and had jobs dealing with clients. Hallberg welches noticeably slower in her client interactions.When Hallberg and Schneider switched email signatures for a week, he found out what exactly welches causing the hold-up.In his hellish week of being perceived as a woman, Schneider found that clients wouldnt listen to him even when he was giving the same advice he usually did, he was underestimated, interrupted, disrespected, and even asked on a date by a client.It became very clear to him the invisible advantage he had as a man, in which his conver sations were faster and less fraught.But whenHallberg and Schneider took this evidence to their boss, they saw how hard it is to convince some people that women are treated differently he didnt believe it.There are a thousand reasons why the clients could have reacted differently that way. It could be the work, the performance you have no way of knowing, their boss said, according to Hallberg.While Schneider was shocked, Hallberg wasnt.She detailed how this wasnt her first time at this rodeo in a companion essayon Medium after Schneiders story went viral.When the boss hired Hallberg, he disparaged how women work. The boss put down Schneider by comparing him to a woman he tends to get over emotional about things and let that get in the way of his writing. Hes kind of a girl like that.In response, Hallberg said she put up walls, swore more and developed a tough exterior, saying she had to act like a man to be found funny and be accepted in male spaces.Hallberg, for her part, had enoug h of the indignities and eventually quit to start her own web copywriting business.In an office of one, I can finally put my walls down, she wrote.Women share their stories of being patronizedReacting to Schneiders story on Twitter, journalist Tasneem Raja tweeted that she had, 100% experienced this as a reporter. A male colleague recommends a source, I call/email, they talk to me like Im a child.Evidence of female identity holds back a career, science showsExperiments and studies going back over 70 years show that markers of female identity - from female names to feminine clothes - work against women in professional settings.In the music industry, for instance, blind auditions were common in which players sat behind a screen. Still, the Boston Symphony Orchestra noticed that blind auditions didnt result in more women getting hired.They realized that, even if a musician was behind a screen, he or she had to walk to it - and the jury was being influenced by the sound of the womens heels. Orchestras started adding carpet to muffle the sound ofauditioning musicians footsteps. Other orchestras around the world widely copiedthe method in the 1970s and 1980s. After that, the percent of female musicians in the five top U.S. orchestras increased from to 21% in 1993 from 6% in 1970.But even if peoplecant see or hear you, having a name that identifies you as a woman will still hurt you. A 2015 study on online instructorsshowed that when an assistant instructor identified as a female, students would tarif them lower in their evaluations than for instructors who identified as male. Since student ratings are a significant factor ofteacher evaluations, this gender bias can significantly impactteachers careers.But educators can be prejudiced too. In a 2014 study, researchers sent out identical letters from prospective students to professors to test whether bias was a factor in getting a response and a leg up in your academic career. The only difference in each letter? Whe ther the email was signed by a fictional Meredith Roberts, Lamar Washington, Juanita Martinez, Raj Singh or aChang Huang. In emails to business schools, 87% of white mengot a response compared with 62% of all womenand minorities combined.Organizations and bosses should treat all of their workers fairly, but when theyfail you, its unfortunately all on you to fight back. In her interactions with her co-workers, Hallberg persisted when they ignored or underestimated her, writing, When they drifted off and stopped paying attention while I was talking, Id rewrite it in an email and force my words in front of their eyes. When my boss Pinkwashed my writing to make it sound more feminine, I snuck in and changed it back. That boldness is how women can survive and overcome these situations until they can find a more acceptable workplace.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
How to apply to a job youre not totally qualified for
How to apply to a job youre not totally qualified forHow to apply to a job youre not totally qualified forJob hunting and career development today is much different than it used to be. Back in the day, it was very common for employees to become lifers at a company meaning they would stay there long-term until they retired (for life, basically). This was partly due to the types of jobs that were available, the number of jobs available to go around, and the fact that pensions still existed, just to name a few big reasons.Nowadays, however, American workers hold mora than11 different jobs by the time they reach age 48, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Some job transitions are necessary because of a termination or layoff, some are lateral moves because you might like the job but not the company itself due to abadeanstalt company culture fit, while others are completeleaps into the unknown.No matter what the case, you might find that in order for you to make your work-life be tter in the way that you really want to, you have to start trying to reach for jobs that are sliiiightly out of your exact experience range. If youre finding a job or two that you dont perfectly fit the requirements for but you really want to pursue them anyway, here are some things to keep in mindUnqualified is a matter of degreeThe first step in making a major career transition is to be honest with yourself about your abilities in relation to the job you seek. Is this a stretch position that youre not technically qualified for but feel confident that you could succeed at? Or is it a totally unrealistic move? For example, if youre currently a maintenance worker and want apply to become a C-suite executive at your company, youre not likely to make the cut.At the same time, beware of selling yourself short.70% of workers experience imposter syndrome, that feeling that you are a fraud or unqualified for the work you do. Feeling unqualified is no reason not to reach for an awesome posi tion that excites you. The worst that can happen is that youll hear no.How to apply to a job youre not qualified forResearch, research, researchEven more than a regular job application, applying for a reach position requires you to do extensive research. Make sure you understand the organization and the larger industry inside and out. Reading online review sites is a smart way to ensure you understand the company culture. With theaverage corporate job openingattracting 250 resumes, demonstrating your thorough knowledge of the company is a great way to stand out.Be flexibleParticularly if you are switching industries, it is important to demonstrate that you have transferable skills. Rather than worrying that your specific experiences do not translate to the new position, think about your skills from a wider perspective. For example, perhaps you have not managed a team before, but you organize your companys annual charity gala. This demonstrates your ability to make decisions, problem solve, communicate, and manage resources effectively. Tweak these broad skills to fit the specific job description.But keep in mind that you must back up your transferable skills with real life examples saying that youre a good communicator or skilled leader without showing examples of the actual situations that called for your communication or leadership skills isnt all that impressive to hiring managers in the end.Tailor your applicationMake it easy for the hiring manager to see the fit between your background and the job position. Highlight any skills that match the job description, using the same language (or a close paraphrase) wherever possible. Hiring managers spend6 seconds looking at a resume, so the more you use keywords, the better your resume will stand out. But just remember not to stretch the truth too much chances are theyll catch you in the lie.Tell a story to sell the fitToo often, applicants use a cover letter as an opportunity to rehash highlights of their resum e. Thats a missed opportunity, particularly if youre applying for a job that is not a clear fit with your background. Instead, illustrate why youre the best candidate for the job by highlighting strengths or skills that do not easily shine through on your resume. Tell a story about why you want the job and how you will quickly meet the job demands and fit into the new organization. Forming a cohesive narrative about where youve been and where you want to go will show the hiring manager that this isnt an out-of-left-field decision for you.Demonstrate a growth mentalityIf there is a glaring gap in your resume - for example, the job description asks for a candidate proficient in Python programming but you have no such experience - solve the hiring managers problem for him or her. Although I have not used XYZ ordnungsprinzip previously, my 5 years of experience using ABC and my ability to quickly master Technology Q in my current position demonstrate that I am able to efficiently and flexibly adopt new platforms. Furthermore, I plan to take Specific Program/Course to develop my skills with XYZ.Leverage your networkYour professional network is particularly important when making a big career transition. Prep your references by giving them specific points to highlight to ensure they sell the match for you.This article first appeared on Kununu.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Military Retirement Pay After Divorce
Military Retirement Pay After DivorceMilitary Retirement Pay After DivorceIn a military divorce, there may be up to three separate jurisdictions where one can file for divorce the legal residence of the military member the legal residence of the spouse and the state that the servicemember is stationed in. Servicemembers do bedrngnis change their legal residence merely because they move to another state. The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, (SCRA) allows servicemembers to live in one state, yet claim another state as their legal residence. The same is not true for the spouse. The spouses legal residence is usually the state he/she is currently residing in. In order to file for divorce, however, in most cases, the person would have to establish nadir residency requirements, ranging from three months to six years. Additionally, most states have laws which allow a member or spouse to file for divorce in the state the member is stationed in, even if the member or spouse are not residents of that state. Many states even exempt a minimum residency for military divorce actions. For example, Airman Joseph Tribbett is stationed at Travis Air Force Base, in California. Joes legal residence is in Nebraska. He has been separated from his wife for a year. Jill has been living with her parents in Denver, Colorado. Either party can file for divorce in California, Nebraska, or Colorado. Sohonigweinimes it is advantageous to review divorce laws of the different states which may have jurisdiction before deciding exactly where one should file for divorce (However, keep in mind that if you file in a state other than where you are actually residing, this will require travel for court appearances, etc.) Division of Retired Pay In the late 1970s and early 1980s, various state courts began to treat military retired pay as community property, often awarding a portion of the pay to the former spouse. One such case from California finally wound its way through the federal courts to th e Supreme Court, who ruled in McCarty v. McCarty, 453 U.S. 210 (1981), that federal law did not allow retired pay to be treated as joint property. In its decision, the court was very clear that division of military retired pay was not necessarily unconstitutional, but that current federal laws (at the time) prohibited treating military retired pay as joint property. In response, Congress passed the Uniformed Services Former Spouse Protection Act (USFSPA), in 1982. This act allows state courts to treat disposable retired pay either as property solely of the member or as the property of the member and his spouse in accordance with the laws of the state court. Contrary to popular belief, there is no magic formula contained in the act to determine the appropriate division of retired pay. A state court can divide retired pay in any way it chooses (subject to the laws of that state). For example, it would be perfectly legal for a court to divide military retired pay 50/50 for a marriage t hat only lasted two months (again, subject to the laws of that state). A state could also decide to award a majority of the retired pay to the former spouse if the state laws allowed such a division. Conversely, a court may also choose to treat retired pay as the exclusive property of the military member. However, in order for the Department of Defense (DOD) to make direct payments of a military members retired pay to the former spouse, the following guidelines must be met The ex-spouse must have been married to the military member for a period of at least 10 years, with at least 10 years of the marriage overlapping a period of military service creditable to retired pay.Direct payments will not be made for division of retired pay in excess of 50 percent (If there is more than one divorce, its first come, first serve no more than 50 percent will be paid asdivision of retired pay For example, if a court awards ex-spouse number one 40 percent of retired pay, and another court awards ex-spouse number two 40 percent of retired pay, DOD Finance will directly pay ex-spouse number one 40 percent and will direct pay ex-spouse number two 10 percent). Disability pay is not subject to division as property. It is subject to garnishment for alimony or child support, however.Alimony orchild supportcan be paid in addition to the division of retired pay. In this event, DOD Finance will not pay over 65 percent of an individuals disposable retired pay for property division and alimony/child support. In other words, lets say that Joe and Jill were married for 12 years, but only 8 of those years were while Joe was in the military. The state court awards Jill 40 percent of Joes military retired pay. In this case, Jill cannot apply to have DOD pay her directly because there was not a 10-year overlap of the marriage to Joes military service. Joe, however, would be responsible for paying Jill once per month or face possible consequences from the court. If, on the other hand, Joe and Jill had been married for 12 years with all 12 years overlapping Joes military service, Jill could request DOD Finance to pay her portion of the retired pay directly to her. Jurisdiction Over Retired Pay One very important provision of the USFSPA is often overlooked, even by experienced attornies In order for a state court to have jurisdiction over a members retired pay, the courtmusthave jurisdiction over the member by His/her residence, other than because ofmilitary assignment, in the territorial jurisdiction of the courtHis/her domicile in the territorial jurisdiction of the courtHis/her consent to the jurisdiction of the court Lets bring our distraught Joe and Jill back into the picture. Assume Joe is stationed in Californiabut claims Nebraska as his legal residence. Jills legal residence is in Colorado. If Jill files for divorce in Colorado, the court would not be allowed to divide Joes military retired payunlessJoe consents to the jurisdiction of the court (assuming the c ouple had no joint-residential ties in Colorado). If Jill files for divorce in California (where Joe is stationed), the matter is more complicated. Regardless of legal residence, if a court determined that California is their home, not just a residence of convenience (i.e., due to military stationing), the court could assume jurisdiction over the members retirement pay, regardless of consent. A servicemember whose family has bought and lived in a home, established church and community affiliations, educated and raised children in the state, might well be considered domiciled there even though they have maintained a legal residence elsewhere. Whether the duty station state courts have jurisdiction, absent consent, is a question that must be resolved on a case to case basis.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Gifts for Job Seekers Holiday Gift Guide for Your Job Seeking Friends
Gifts for Job Seekers Holiday Gift Guide for Your Job Seeking FriendsGifts for Job Seekers Holiday Gift Guide for Your Job Seeking FriendsSearching and applying for jobs can be overwhelming and tedious. You may know of a friend or relative whos looking for a new job and could use some assistance. The holiday season is a great time to offer a gift to help them improve their resume for job applications in the new year.Consider this your holiday guide to gifts for job seekers in your life. The following are all useful ideas that will assist any family or friends that are looking for a new job or to expand their professional skills.1. Resume Editing and Interview Coaching ServicesProfessional resume and interview assistance are among the best gifts you can give to a job seeker. A professionally written resume, for example, can help a job seeker to expertly word, organize, and format their resume so that it gets past a companys applicant tracking system. Getting past the applicant trackin g system means a better option of an interview.Professional resume and job support services are offered from Noelle Gross, Debra Wheatman, and Amie Thompson. Some of their career resources include cover letter and resume help, interview coaching, networking advice, and guides and workshops about advancing a career. These types of services can serve as a beneficial gift for your family or friend, who may be uncomfortable with peer-editing or afraid to ask for professional job assistance.2. LinkedIn PremiumHelp the job seeker in your life upgrade a basic LinkedIn account with a premium membership. This gift is a great tool during the holiday season because companies typically receive fewer job applications in December. Its a great time for a job seeker to improve their resume and send out applications since competition is low. LinkedIn Premium will show them how to improve their resume for recruiters, how they compare to other applicants for a position, and who is interested in their profile. It will also provide them with advanced search tools. This way, your friend or family member can stand out from the crowd before theflood of January applications.The tools and benefits of LinkedIn Premium for job seekers.3. Jobscan PremiumThis is a more affordable gift alternative to a professional editing or coaching service. You can give the job seeker a Jobscan Premium account. This gift can help them to improve their resume by boosting their chances of making it past a companys automated applicant tracking system. The first month is free, so you can give them a few months to use this tool. As a holiday gift, theyll be able to optimize their resume before the surge of January applicants, which will increase their chances of landing an initial interview.4. Online EducationGive the gift of an online education this holiday season. An online class is a great way for a job seeker to learn new skills toenhance their resume. New skills will help increase their chances of gettin g a new job. Send your family or friend a gift subscription to an online educational service like Lynda or Udemy, or give them a gift card to pay for a class or two. An online class can help them break into a new industry or learn new, in-demand skills (such as how to code or use Adobe Photoshop). Online education shows employers that they are actively improving their resume for 2017 job applications.5. Professional AttireWhat someone wears for a job interview shows their level of professionalism, respect for the company, and maybe even an element of their personality. Its an opportunity to make that first great impression and increase their chances of getting hired. Unfortunately, geschftsleben attire can often be expensive, even during the holiday sale season. Items to consider include a suit, a tie, slacks, a collared shirt, dress shoes, a sweater, a shift dress or pencil skirt, or a blazer. Gap and J.Crew are great stores for finding professional attire. Worried about size or ge tting the right item for your family member or friend? If a gift receipt wont do, a store gift card is another option.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
How We Built a Company Culture that Puts People First
How We Built a Company Culture that Puts People FirstHow We Built a Company Culture that Puts People FirstHow We Built a Company Culture that Puts People First Rizzetta, CEO of North 6th Agency, Inc. (N6A), a brand communications agency based in New York and TorontoAs a geschftlicher umgang leader, its easy to confuse company culture with the trendy perks that make a work environment seem attractive from the outside.As a CEO of a growing company, Im just as guilty of this as anyone.Come to ur office and you will seeRoulette wheels lined with wellness and travel rewardsCatered lunches every ThursdayMake no mistake, unterstellung all make the office environment a cool place to work, but these are nothing more than perks. They dont define the company culture. Ultimately, true culture comes down to people.If youre a business leader out there whos looking to make an investment in people to build a meaningful culture, here are some people-first tips to keep in mind.1. Remember Your Surviva l DaysWhen youre starting out in business youre in survival mode, plain and simple. Youre simply doing everything you can to earn respect. This is when the ethos of your companys true culture is born.As your company gets bigger, ask yourself, What did our company do when we were in survival mode? What did we stand for when we first started that made us successful?In our companys case, our survival mode days were all about an underdog journey, a tale of beating odds and being told that we were wrong. A tale of loyalty and giving back.The companies that tend to build culture the right way - and do it for a sustained period of time - are the ones who embrace their roots and make it a core part of their culture as they get bigger.2. Visuals Are KeyThe saying that a picture is worth a thousand words rings especially true when reinforcing company culture. Its one thing for employees to hear about company culture, but its another thing for them to actuallysee it.Every quarter we sit down with our entire company and host a checkpoint. We kick each one of these sessions off with a photo album of cultural events, highlights and bonding moments from the previous quarter, as if we were a family flipping through a photo book and reminiscing over the moments that brought us closer together.Employees hear about the companys culture all the time - in recruiting materials, company handbooks and on your website. Help them see it and feel it.3. Align Business Values With Life ValuesDont be afraid to get a little personal when it comes to creating culture.Perhaps the best way to build genuineness and integrity in your culture is to take what you believe in in your life and apply it to your business.I run our business with the same core values and the same approach that I apply to my life. What matters most to me in life is exactly the same as what our corporate culture represents - its a symbiotic relationship. Be loyal to those who got you there, give back, compete, care, an d experiment.Chances are you have your own set of values that are near and dear to your heart. Embrace those values, and dont be afraid to let them spill over from your life into your business.4. Hold Yourself Accountable for Anti-Cultural BehaviorFace the facts. Youre going to make mistakes that contradict your cultural ethos from time to time.Even the greatest leaders of all-time have displayed flashes that run counter to the culture theyve worked so hard to create. If you think Steve Jobs didnt have moments of anti-Apple behavior youre kidding yourself, and if you think Jeff Bezos hasnt done one or two things over the years that are anti-Amazon in nature, then I have a bridge to sell you. The reality is, all great leaders and culture kingpins make mistakes.The important thing is to hold yourself accountable when you display these moments of behavior that run counter to the culture youre trying to create.Flag your mistakes, embrace them, make your people aware of them, and get bet ter for the future.This level of accountability will earn the respect youre looking for from your team and demonstrate a genuine commitment to your culture.5. Challenge the Culture Control TheoryCritics say that you will downgrade your culture by one degree for every important step of scale that your organization takes.Challenge this theory. Lose sleep over this theory. Refuse to buy into this theory.From first-hand experience, I can say that it will be infinitely more difficult to maintain - and dare I say, improve - your culture as your company gets bigger. Span of control, quality assurance, and separation on the org chart all create challenges that will make it difficult to sustain your culture as your organization grows. However, theres a difference between difficult and impossible.If youre willing to make the investment and sacrifice that comes along with building a thriving and living culture for your company, it can actually improve in direct proportion to the scale of you r organization.Now go forth and build your own people-first cultureAuthor BioMatt Rizzetta is the President and CEO of North 6th Agency, Inc. (N6A), a leading brand communications agency based in New York City.Under Rizzettas leadership, N6A has been ranked as the 1 fastest-growing agency in the United States in its revenue category by ODwyers. N6A has been awarded several prestigious industry recognitions, including New York Observer Power Agency List, Summit International Award, PR News Marketing and PR Leader of the Year, and has been selected as one of the coolest spaces at the hottest PR firms by the New York Observer.
Friday, December 6, 2019
Management Skills for Resume Can Be Fun for Everyone
Management Skills for Resume Can Be Fun for Everyone New Ideas Into Management Skills for Resume Never Before Revealed You wont have the ability to practice personal management until youre ready to follow that inner dialog and understand where youre headed. A manager with good communication skills can relate nicely with the employees and so, able to accomplish the businesss set targets and objectives easily. It is important in every aspect of retail management. The management skills term is well-known, Lucjan states. Superior management skills are vital for any organization to be successful and achieve its objectives and objectives. In real life, you must prove your enterprise management abilities. No matter your managerial experience, the management skills within this guide will be able to help you prove your capacity to take care of responsibility, along with offer you a competitive edge over other candidates. Managers should also understand the normal problems of rental properties so they can respond appropriately and rank maintenance issues depending on their urgency. There is often overlap because they must be good leaders. A manager has to be accountable for each decision they make and also be prepared to take responsibility for those outcomes of their decisions. Every manager should have good rechtevergabe abilities to attain optimal outcome and accomplish the necessary productivity benefits. Fantastic time management enables a person to complete more in a shorter time period, lowers stress, and contributes to career success. All experience is valuable, especially whenever youre in a place of responsibility. Great people skills are a vital portion of what makes you such a standout employee whod be an asset to any company that offers you an opportunity to shine. Irrespective of age, gender, industry or employer there are typical abilities and abilities required for successful performance for a manager. Details of Management Skills for Resume Instead, you need to showcase your soft skills by producing an achievement-oriented expert experience section. If you are at present conducting a job search, you ought to be acquainted with a few changes with respect to acceptable practice in resume writing. Hard skills have a tendency to be more technical, and each business or sort of job will often have its personal essential set. Although some skills will change based on your industry, there are several which are universal across just about any work atmosphere. Together with building up your abilities and confidence, internships also give you a list of helpful contacts, which might help you secure work later on. Depending on the help of our expert sources, here are a couple of broad kinds of skills your resume could include, together with unique approaches to express them. Along with leading, an important function of a manager is to also guarantee that all sections of the organization are functioning cohesively. Set ting goals are going to keep the employee centered on the long-term success of your organization. A manager has to be in a sttte to look for areas where the organization or procedures within the business can be made better. Most property managers are skilled in property maintenance and associated tasks, but not everybody has extensive marketing and advertising experience. Management positions incorporate a number of the best-paid, most prestigious work in the nation. Many jobs out there ask you to work in the existence of different people. Manager Job Descriptions Find out the abilities and competencies which make a prosperous manager when developing your work description. Whats Actually Going on with Management Skills for Resume If youre still not certain if one or more of these skills are suitable for your situation, one quick method to check which skills the employer is seeking is to confirm the work description. 3 First, you have to pick the best skills for your resume. unterstellung skills demonstrate that you may set objectives, and devise and implement strategies to meet them. More technical or computer-centric hard skills are occasionally also known as technical skills. Hard skills can be classified in various ways, depending upon your job title. They are not skills that are hard to learn. They are quantifiable and often learned from school or on the job. Communication skills are important for just about any position. According to her, its also the reason putting your information just in the header or footer isnt a good idea. Read through it a couple of occasions and youll probably spot three or four essential skills mentioned repeatedly throughout the document. To give employers a better idea about what youve accomplished, talk about the size of the group and the reach of the projects you manage. You may have to think beyond the box, but just about any experience gives something you are able to utilize to advertise yourself. You m ight need to adjust somebody elses plan to new conditions. Problem-solving in management involves identifying a particular problem or situation and then locating the ideal way to take care of the issue and find the best solution. Selecting the most effective words to spell out your experience can earn a big impact for a prospective employer. Sloppy working practices, tardiness and an overall absence of organisational ability wont be tolerated at this level and may set a terrible example to your staff.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
How to Be a Great Not Just Good Salesperson
How to Be a Great Not Just Good Salesperson A good salesperson must be confident, good at listening, and relentless even when things are not easy. But the cream of the crop usually possess a unique ability to simplify business and communication. Those looking to classify themselves as great, rather than good, salespeople must be prepared to simplify customer interactions and simplification can be tough.Avoid the Learn by Mistake Sales TechniqueThe Greatest Salesman in the World author Augustine Og Mandino said, Obstacles are necessary for success, because in selling, as in all careers of importance, victory comes only after many struggles and countless defeats. But what if it were possible to reduce the number of obstacles we encounter in sales?Great salespeople recognize potential hurdles before beginning any specific sales script or process. In order to accomplish this, its critical to have a solid understanding of the following- What is the off ering I am selling?- Who are my intended customers?- How can I communicate features and benefits of my offering in a simple, relatable way?Step 1 Understand Your OfferingYou cant sell something you dont understand. The greatest salespeople understand their offering so well that they can build a story, rather than make a pitch or sound like they have memorized a product spec sheet.Before building a great story, you have to play the role of a journalist- Who should be using this offering? Think beyond basic demographic groups like everyone, men, or parents. Instead, build up characters based on everything you can get your hands on. Sure, you may include demographic traits, but also think through daily life. For instance, when would be the best time to catch up with this kind of person?-Whatmakes this offering special? Take time to explore the nature of the offering, the problem it solves, and all the associated benefits. Knowing your offering also means knowing its competition.- Where is this offering available and/or manufactured? Accessibility is key to understanding how you can step in front of your potential customer and when the customer is likely to be nearby. Additionally, some populations are motivated by an offerings background, particularly if it is handmade, locally made, or manufactured in the United States.- Whyis this product or tafelgeschirr valuable? This process begins by understanding that value is not black and white. Different consumers define value uniquely. As the salesperson, you should understand the multiple value propositions so that you can, after listening to and understanding your potential customers preferences and needs, emphasize the appropriate one(s).Step 2 Qualify Your CustomerGreat salespeople take time to speak with their customers not to or at them. They begin each conversation with direct eye contact and a firm handshake, and they introduce themselves by their first names. This process also allows the salesperson to qualify their customer, discovering how to sell an offering to them.Anytime you engage with a customer, you should be attempting to learn answers to thefollowing questions- How can I help you? Another way of asking this is, Can I help you find something? As the salesperson, you are looking to understand what the customers define as their problems.- What is important to you? Seek to understand whether price or durability trumps specific features, luxury trumps practicality, and more. You can use this information to begin ranking value propositions.-What is your budget? Typically, people have an understanding of how much they can afford to spend, and for larger purchases they know whether they can finance a product. By getting this information upfront, youll be able to guide them to a product or service that will solve a problem within thebudget they can afford. And you may gain their trust by reassuring them that their budget provides options.Step 3 Tailor and Simplify Your MessageWhile qua lifying customers, you will likely learn interesting facts, including information about their careers, where they live, and their families. Armed with this information, you can now begin to tailor your message.To illustrate how a message can be tailored, I will tell you a story. At Presidential Pools, we offer in-floor cleaning systems for swimming pools. These are complex systems that involve jets pushing water into drains that filter out debris underneath a pool. Given the variety of pool shapes and sizes today, they are far more effective and autonomous than the ugly robotic cleaners with which you may be familiar.By the second sentence of that quick description, most pool buyers are overwhelmed. Pools already have many parts, and in-floor cleaning systems just add more. So our salespeople cannot focus on parts and functions with most customers. Instead, with some customers, one great salesman uses the followingHave you ever cooked soup on a stove? Or did you mom ever do that for you? You have to keep stirring the pot to keep the heat evenly distributed, right? Thats the only way to avoid curdling on the top and scalding on the bottom.Just like soup, a pool is best kept clean and comfortable by stirring the whole pot. Thats what an in-floor cleaning system does. Its jets move water around, pushing debris out while keeping the temperature even.This is, of course, only one way to tailor a description about this offering. There are stories to illustrate safety, durability, ease of maintenance, and other value propositions associated with an in-floor cleaning system. No matter what the offering, the story a great salesman tells is crafted to best match the customers interests and understanding of the world.Regardless of whether the customer is a stay-at-home mom, an engineer, or a grocery store clerk, great salespeople will articulate an offerings benefits by using real world examples applicable to their daily lives. Technical jargon not only tends to confuse p eople, but it also can make them uncomfortable. Great salespeople will use metaphors or explain how a product works by comparing the product to something that most people can understand.Great salespeople know the ins and outs of anything they sell, take time to qualify their customers, and then tailor how they communicate the offerings features and benefits in a simple, relatable way.James Frabasilio is the president of Presidential Pools, Spas Patio.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Military Occupational Specialties in the Marines
Military Occupational Specialties in the MarinesMilitary Occupational Specialties in the MarinesThe Marine korporation Occupational System uses a four-digit number code constructed on the concept that occupations with similar skill, knowledge, or functional application requirements are grouped into functional areas, known as occupational fields (OccFlds), and skill-knowledge sets, known as Military Occupational Specialties (MOS). All branches of the U.S. military designated different occupations using alphanumeric codes. The Armys MOSare generally two digits followed by a letter (so for example, Army MOS 38B is a Civil Affairs Specialist, MOS 21B is a Combat Engineer, and so on). In the Air Force, jobs are designated with Air Force Specialty Codes, which use a combination of numerals and letters, while the Navy uses its own Navy Enlisted Classification system. In the Marines, MOS aredesignated with a four-digit numeric code. Heres what those numbers mean. U.S. Marines Occupational Fields OccFlds are identified by the first two digits of the four-digit code and a descriptive title. The OccFld is a grouping of related MOSs. The MOS is a four-digit code consisting of the OccFld code completed by two additional digits. It describes a set of related duties and tasks that extend over one or more grades. So for instance, a Marine job that begins with the numbers 03 is in the infantry career field. MOS 0311 is an infantry rifleman, 0331 is a machine gunner, 0341 is a mortarman, and so on. Marines Military Occupational Specialties The Marine Corps used to have two basic types of MOS Primary MOS (PMOS), and Category B MOS. Category B MOSs were sort of a job-within-a job. A Marine who possessed a PMOS and received extra training in a specialized procedure or equipment could then also be awarded the Category B MOS that related to that specialized training. However, in 2007, the Marine Corps eliminated Category B MOS and replaced them with Primary, Necessary, Free, Exception and Additional categories Primary MOS (PMOS) Used to identify the primary skills and knowledge of a Marine. In other words, it is the Marines primary military job.Necessary MOS (NMOS) A non-PMOS that has a prerequisite of one or more PMOSs. This MOS identifies a particular skill or training that is in addition to a Marines PMOS but can only be filled by a Marine with a specific PMOS.Free MOS (FMOS) Non-PMOS that can be filled by any Marine regardless of primary MOS. A free MOS requires skill sets unrelated to primary skills. Exception MOS (EMOS) Non-PMOS that is generally an FMOS, but include exceptions that require a specific PMOS.Additional MOS (AMOS) Any existing PMOS awarded to a Marine who already holds a PMOS. Marines are not promoted in an AMOS.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Navy Two Year Enlistment Program
Navy Two Year Enlistment ProgramNavy Two Year Enlistment ProgramWASHINGTON In 2003, the Navy began offering a new short-term two year enlistment program aimed at expanding the opportunities for all Americans to serve in the United States Navy. In this article -MILPERSMAN Article 1133-080. This was also at the height on the build up of the invasion of Iraq and the entire Departement of Defense saw a need for more personnel in the military. The two year option gave many young Americans who wanted to serve the quick ability to be in the military and test the waters to landsee if a career in the military is an option for them. The college education benefits were also available with this two year enlistment option as long as the recruit met the high standard for the program. The National Call to tafelgeschirr Has Since Been Cancelled Though there has not been an official replacement of the Navys Call to Service, it appears that the two year enlistments are harder to get even after 1 6 years of war since September 11, 2001. These enlistment programs can easily ebb and flow with the needs of the Navy in order to fill critically needed job skills. If you are still considering the shorter enlistment over the traditional 4-6 year enlistment, ask a recruiter as the programs change quicker than articles on the internet do. About the National Call to Service Known as the National Call to Service (NCS), the program provides the Navy and the other military tafelgeschirrs a new way to reach a group of young Americans who otherwise might not serve in the military because of the length of traditional enlistment options. Editors note As part of the FY 2003 Military Authorization Act, Congress mandated that all of the military services implement the National Call to Service Program. The program works like this A recruit enlists under NCS and incurs a 15-month active-duty service obligation following completion of initial-entry training. The 15-month obligation begins afte r a Sailor has completed his or her respective Navy School. Navy Schools can run from three-months to 18-months depending on rating. Following successful completion of active duty obligation, Sailors may re-enlist for additional active duty or transfer to the selected reserve for a 24-month obligation. Upon completion of service obligation, Sailors may remain in the selected reserve or transfer to the individual ready reserve for the remainder of an eight-year national commitment. While in the individual ready reserve, these young people will be given the opportunity to move into one of the other national service programs, such as AmeriCorps or the Peace Corps, and time in those will count toward their eight-year total obligation. The National Call to Service Program will be limited to high-quality recruits, those with a high school diploma and scores in the top half of aptitude tests, (ie, 50 or greater ASVAB score), said Vice Adm. Gerry Hoewing, Chief of Naval Personnel. We hope t his will make the military more attractive to college-bound youth who might volunteer to take a short period out between high school and college to serve their nation. The option may also attract college graduates interested in serving their country before attending graduate school. Perhaps the largest potential pool for the option are community college graduates who after serving the initial active duty period might use available incentives to enter a four-year school. There are four incentives available under the NCS Program. The first is a $5,000 bonus payable upon completion of active duty service. The second is a loan-repayment option also paid at the end of the active-duty portion. The legislation allows for repayment of up to $18,000 of qualifying student loans. The final two incentives are tied to, but not part of, the Montgomery G.I. Bill. One gives 12 months of a full Montgomery G.I. Bill stipend currently about $900 a month. The other incentive offers 36 monthly payments at one-half of the current Montgomery G.I. Bill stipend. This is a great option for high school graduates or even college students who want to serve the country, see the world and then go to school, Hoewing added. Each service will set their own enlistment criteria. The first people who opted for this program entered the delayed-entry program beginning Oct. 1. Basic medical specialties, some engineer skills, personnel, administration and combat specialties will generally be offered. Traditional enlistment terms are three, four, five and six years in comparison to the nominal 15 months of service for the NCS Program. The Navy intends to recruit and select up to 1,000 Sailors for this new national service program.
5 Skills Financial Leaders With Expanding Roles Should Refine
5 Skills Financial Leaders With Expanding Roles Should Refine 5 Skills Financial Leaders With Expanding Roles Should Refine Financial executives play a much more strategic role in companies today than they did in the past. Many find they need to dive into big data analytics, weigh in on IT investments, and help the business explore and implement new staffing strategies. And those are just some examples of areas outside of accounting and finance where financial leaders now need to provide support and lend their expertise. âFinancial executivesâ positions involve playing many roles - part strategic adviser, part data scientist, part collaborator - in addition to their traditional responsibilities,â says Tim Hird, executive director of Management Resources. How can financial leaders prepare for their expanding roles? Refining these five skills can help: 1. Technological aptitude Digital disruption is changing how businesses operate. It's also driving financial leaders to learn how to make the most of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and predictive analytics. Many find they must build a working knowledge of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, too. As a financial leader, you won't likely be expected to get deep into the weeds with the technical aspects of IT. However, you should have a solid understanding of your companyâs technology infrastructure. Following the latest digital trends will help you to gain a stronger technical aptitude thatâs useful as you weigh in on decisions about system upgrades and cybersecurity measures. Forging a strong working relationship with the chief information officer (CIO) and other tech leaders at your firm can also be invaluable. 2. Change management Most businesses today are in a state of flux, with growing competition and new technology leading to a seemingly endless series of projects meant to drive change. Finance leaders are at the heart of these change initiatives - managing costs, guiding investments and helping to steer decision making. That strategic role makes change management a crucial skill set for financial leaders. You need a clear view of the challenges and opportunities that arise from each change project. Soft skills help immensely, too. For example, if you have empathy, you can sense when your team members are feeling overwhelmed in the midst of a change project and move swiftly to provide extra support. Managed business services teams can help accounting and finance teams to navigate major change management initiatives successfully. Learn more about this strategic staffing solution here. 3. Collaboration All of these new and overlapping responsibilities make collaboration a must for todayâs financial leaders. You need to establish effective and supportive working relationships with the heads of other departments. And you must convey to your staff the importance of working well with other company divisions. Holding interdepartmental meetings, arranging job shadowing and even organizing social functions between teams are some ideas for promoting collaboration. If you don't think you should be the one arranging these activities, remember that these efforts should start at the highest levels in the organization. They also require your support to be successful. So, your direct involvement, at least to some degree, is very important. See this infographic to learn which areas of the business many CFOs are more involved in now, compared to three years ago. 4. Communication Your senior management position at your firm demands that you speak and write well. However, your style may benefit from some fine-tuning. What works with an audience of fellow finance pros may not be as effective when you need to collaborate with other departments, present to the board, or speak with customers or investors. To improve your communication skills, youâll need to listen actively to and learn the business language of the other groups you need to interact with inside and outside of the firm. Also, try to package what you want to communicate in a way that also keeps your audience's needs squarely in focus. 5. Leadership In a survey conducted for the 2019 Salary Guide for Accounting and Finance Professionals, 91 percent of financial leaders said itâs challenging to find skilled professionals today. To assemble their dream teams, many financial leaders now play a more active role in attracting top talent and retaining key performers. Theyâre pushing their company to give professionals more of what they want, such as a competitive salary, regular bonuses, generous 401(k) matches and professional development programs - all of which require cost-benefit analyses and additional dollars before implementation. You may find that in your expanding role as a finance leader you must also tackle issues such as shaping corporate culture and meeting compliance requirements related to payroll, family leave and employment protection. (Given those trends, itâs little wonder that so many finance leaders now find themselves working closer than ever with their counterparts in human resources.) New responsibilities and expectations always come with new challenges. But don't overlook the opportunities: You can diversify your skill set, build stronger bonds with your team members and peers, and raise your profile in the organization. So, make the most of these changing times for financial leaders to take your business acumen to the next level. It could very well put you in an ideal position to ascend to the CEO chair, if you want to make that leap someday.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
What would you say to these crazy interview questions
What would you say to these crazy interview questions What would you say to these crazy interview questions You hear about companies asking outside the box interview questions. Places like SpaceX, Facebook, Google and others come to mind.Ladders decided to go out on the streets of New York City and see how people answer some of the weirder questions out there. If this were an actual job interview, we donât think any of these people would be hiredâ¦
Monday, November 18, 2019
Five simple yoga stretches to survive a long flight
Five simple yoga stretches to survive a long flight Five simple yoga stretches to survive a long flight I recently returned from an international flight that had me wedged between two people for 10 hours. I knew that being contorted into a pretzel for an extended period of time could worsen my blood circulation and increase my risk of blood clots. An easy mark, I was suckered into buying travel hacks that promised to improve blood circulation through a padded foot sling. Unfortunately, the foot sling proved too cumbersome for me to use the whole flight. What did end up working were the free guided yoga movements that the in-flight entertainment system provided for anxious flyers like myself.When we are flying, many circumstances are out of our control. Often, we do not get to pick our seats or our seatmates. But no matter which seat you were assigned, staying zen and limber in a cramped space is possible. You do not need to do exhaustively complicated poses to relax and feel good. All it takes is a few simple flexes and stretches.Here is how to do it without disturbing your neighbor:1 ) Take a deep breathFirst, you need to get into the right mindset to relax. Airplanes are a cacophony of unpleasant noises and smells. To let go of the crying baby three aisles away, move your attention inwards. Sit up straight, release the tension in your shoulders, and pay attention to your breathing. Slowly inhale and exhale through your nose. Stay present into what you are feeling in that moment. Deep breathing is our bodyâs internal stress reliever; the action tells our nervous system to calm down.2) Roll your ankles, flex your toesSitting in a cramped chair for too long makes my feet tingle. Rotating my ankles to the left and to the right in circles gets my blood flowing. In an even smaller movement, you can alternate pushing your heels and toes into the ground to flex your calf muscles, as Healthline recommends.3) Twist in your seatTo stretch your spine, twist your torso to the left and right. When we are still for too long, our stomachs pay the price. Twisting your body w ill get your circulation and digestive system flowing again. âYou can put your left hand on the outside of your right knee to deepen the twist. Always include your head and neck in the twist,â the New York Timesâ yoga guide recommends.4) Open your hips by tilting your legsYou can wake up your legs without needing to stand up through a pose that is designed to take pressure off of your knee joints. Tilt your left leg open so that your left ankle is on top of your right thigh. Inhale, exhale for a few breaths and feel the stretch in your hips as you gently press your left hand into your bent left leg. You can increase the stretch by tilting your body forward as you press your hand into your leg. âEven just coming forward an inch feels really good, gives you a nice hip stretch,â yoga instructor Sandy Pradas said.Then repeat the movement by placing your right ankle on top of the opposite knee, and going through the process again. This pose is known to alleviate tension in your stiff lower back.5) Hug yourselfThis back-stretching pose is a versatile stretch that you can do standing or sitting. Cross your hands over your chest so that each hand is holding an opposite shoulder. You can increase the feeling of the stretch by moving your right ear to your right shoulder and then moving your left ear to your left shoulder.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Difference Between Book Smarts and Experience on Labor Day
The Difference Between Book Smarts and Experience on Labor Day The Difference Between Book Smarts and Experience on Labor Day Donât recite the stats. Wow your interviewer by drawing upon the lessons learned on the job.Cartoonist Hugh MacLeod nailed it with this cartoon:(For more of Hughâs clever work, visit his site here.)There is a world of difference in the workplace between knowing facts, and knowing how those facts fit together. Even more important is knowing what to do about it.Hughâs cartoon is a good reminder of your goal in the interview process.You see, anybody with book smarts can come into an interview and repeat the information theyâve found online about the company, the industry, and the job.Your goal, especially for those of you further along in your career, is to share and explain how you can make the connections between those bits of information. Particularly if your interviewer is not as experienced in your domain, itâs up to you to show that those little lines between the dots exist, that theyâre important, and that you have a certain level of mastery of them.So itâs not si mply: âI implemented an incentive plan.â âI cut headcount.â âI implemented Agile development.â or âI launched our TV advertising campaign.âBut rather, itâs⦠âBased on my past experience, I knew that weâ¦Ã¢Ã¢Shouldnât implement just an incentive plan, but had to divide the sales team along industry lines in order to hit our goals.ââShouldnât just cut headcount, but that we should remove 2 classes of managerial oversight which were actually impeding our ability to hear directly from the field.ââShouldnât just switch from Waterfall to Agile, but that it was important that we bring the Customer Care teams into each Agile Team.ââShouldnât just launch a national TV advertising campaign, but that we should overweight on shows targeting the 44 â" 64 demographic on Mondays and Tuesdays, because Iâd learned from research that would have the biggest bang for our buck.âYou see, itâs not just sharing the information, but sharing how you made the connections between the bits of information, that allow the interviewer to understand your capabilities.An d that gets you the job.Enjoy your Labor Day, Readers!
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Dress Code for Interns
Dress Code for Interns Dress Code for Interns When you accept an internship with a nonprofit organization or any other form of business, whether or not you are paid or unpaid, you are not a volunteer. So dont think like one and more importantly dont dress like one. The determination, at least from a legal standpoint when it comes to internships, is not whether or not you are being paid money (though many interns are paid), it is determined by the relationship with the business. Under the law, interns are considered an at-risk employee of the company and need to dress and behave accordingly. In fact, if you are an employer considering offering internships, be sure to research the laws in your state because you may be required to pay the intern, collect/pay taxes on their behalf, and you may even be required to have workers compensation insurance in place throughout the duration of the internship. Represent the Company's Image Just like all other employees, interns also represent the companys image in how they dress and present themselves in the business environment to other workers, clients, and customers. Showing up in sneakers and jeans sends a message to others that you are not serious about representing the company and are not there to contribute and learn in meaningful ways. Not Students on Loan Interns should not consider themselves students on loan and should adhere to the companys dress code. That is, the office (or other work) environment is not an extension of your college campus life. If you are not certain about the dress code, ask your boss or a human resources representative. If there is no formal dress code, look at the style of dress other men and women in the company wear to work each day. If everyone is wearing sandals, you probably can too. But if only one or two out of the remaining employees is casually dressed, go with what the majority is wearing.? Don't Try to Stand out by Bucking the System Some internships may lead to employment with the company where you are interning. Do your job, and do it well, and be a model employee as if you already had the job. It is okay to make yourself stand out by doing a great job and going the extra mile for your employer, but dont try to stand out by simply being different. One of the biggest complaints from employees about interns stems from the way interns dress. Interns that wear casual or revealing clothing that might be fine on the college campus do not fit into the office environment. Remember, your position as an intern is not guaranteed. Even if you think you have an ironclad internship contract or arrangement, you may still be an at-will intern. You can be let go if you are failing to honor the terms of your internship or otherwise doing or not doing something that could be considered detrimental to the employer. Hair, Makeup, and Accessories Count, Too Proper business attire does not only involve articles of clothing but also encompasses shoes, jewelry, makeup, and hairstyles. A well-known saying in the corporate world says it best: Dont dress for the job you have, dress for the one you want. In other words, dont show up for your intern position in college attire- dress for the corporate world. Tips and Closing Thoughts Even if you are not interested in working for the company you are interning with you can use them as a job reference for future employment opportunities. The better you show that you understand how to function as a professional while interning, the better your reference will be when you are applying for your dream job later on.
Friday, November 15, 2019
If You Start Me Up Where to Begin in the Writing Process
If You Start Me Up Where to Begin in the Writing Process If You Start Me Up Where to Begin in the Writing Process Write and donât stop until you have a body of material to edit.âWhere do I start?â âHow do I start?â These are good questions. Whether composing business correspondence during your job search or tackling another writing task, the author must begin without knowing the answers to these questions. They just need to initiate the process. By putting fingers to keyboard or pen to paper, the ideas will begin to materialize. It takes a risk to start - but it doesnât have to be perfect. Later, the written work can be changed and improved.Some writers start by brainstorming ideas. Other writers simply write out their ideas; then they craft them into complete sentences and paragraphs until they feel satisfied with their message. Still, others outline their ideas in the form of a list. Whatâs your starting point?If getting started is your problem then the first thing you need to do is⦠start! Write freely and quickly. Promise yourself that youâll clean it up later.After youâ ve written something, youâre going to need to put the material into an order that will make sense to a reader. Without organization, your correspondence will be meaningless to readers. When people canât make sense out of whatâs in front of them, they move on quickly. You donât want your writing to be ignored because it wasnât clear. Organization will help.Put the ideas in a logical order so that they make sense to others. Place things in an order that will make the most sense to your audience: first to last, biggest to smallest, ingredients followed by procedures, earliest to latest, newest to oldest, etc. Practicing organization will ensure that you become good at doing it (it means youâll be able to do it without âadult supervision,â so to speak).When editing, you can consider the different elements that affect how your piece will be received. After all, you want it to be taken seriously. You want your words to move, motivate, and even inspire people!The process of editing involves being aware of the following: Audience: Who is the audience? Impact: What is the messageâs effect on the job search, employee, and customer? Content: What does the reader need to do/know? Medium and Format: How should this material be delivered? Style: How formal or informal should the writing be? English Fundamentals: What can I do to ensure the âcorrectnessâ of my writing? When it comes to getting started with writing, you can: read about how to get started, set up your writing area so that itâs just perfect for you to get started, or think about how youâre going to get started. The ironic thing in all of this preparation is that what needs to get done isnât getting done! The most important point about getting started is that you just have to do it. Take the risk - type or write and donât stop until you have a body of material to edit!
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Voicing a Tech Revolution at Arizona State
Voicing a Tech Revolution at Arizona State Voicing a Tech Revolution at Arizona State Voicing a Tech Revolution at Arizona State In what is believed to be the first of a new kind of engineering school-industry partnership, Arizona State University and Amazon are collaborating to bring a voice technology program to ASU engineering students supported by the technology companys Alexa-enabled devices team. The institutions share a belief that society is on the brink of an age when advanced voice technology will soon be ubiquitous. Voice is the next serious revolution in information technology science, says Kyle Squires, dean of ASUs Fulton Schools of Engineering. [The partnership is] about innovation and ensuring our graduates are equipped to play a leadership role as voice-enabled technology becomes part of everyday life in homes, shopping malls, workplaces and cities. The program is seen as mutually beneficial. The learning prepares students for the workplace as well as offering them opportunities to connect with leading companies in their field where they may want to seek employment. Bhavik Patel, a mechanical engineering senior and peer mentor at Tooker House, demonstrates use of an Amazon Echo Dot while working on formulas. Image: ASU It brings them closer to what its going to be like in practice, says Squires. Furthermore, Alexa-enabled Echo Dot smart speakers, donated to engineering students by Amazon as part of the program, speak straight to the engineering programs mission, says Squires. [They] merge the living environment with the learning environment. For companies in fields where there is great demand for engineers, Amazon believes the more the companies are visible on campus, whether in a classroom or involved in a design challenge, the better positioned the company will be to attract the best engineers. Additionally, collaboration with ASU will help Amazon learn how Echo Dots are used to guide the company in determining the best role for Alexa to play in the future of computing as well as how to integrate Alexa into both living spaces and academic life. In a statement, Amazon says the ASU partnership is just the beginning of its support of voice in higher education: We imagine a world where voice will be used by professors, administrators, ed-tech professionals, and students in the higher education world for a variety of purposes. The program is multi-faceted. Several undergraduate engineering courses incorporating voice-user interface development have been introduced with more to come. Students will learn what underlies the skills beyond how you program [a specific application], Squires says. They will learn the foundational knowledge that goes into the application of voice programs. A computer scientist needs to know the foundation that enables the application so that the skill can be adapted to another technology or a different companys application that might do the same thing but in a different way, he explains. Voice application development is also incorporated into several ASU student project and outreach programs. Students can also build Alexa skills, both independently and in the classroom, using Amazon-donated Alexa development kits that include application program interfaces, tools, documentation, and code examples, intended to prepare students for joining the growing community of voice developers. The collaboration is also seen as helping fulfill a broader mission to make ASU a smart campus, a place where sensing, connectivity, and data analytics help inform decision making, optimize operations and energy efficiency, and create a highly personalized campus experience for the entire university community. To that end, the Echo Dots Amazon donated are offered to each of the 1,600 engineering students living in the schools newly built architecturally and technologically state-of-the-art living and learning community, called Tooker House. This space is believed to be the first voice-enabled, learning-enhanced residential community on a university campus. In addition to the standard Echo Dot capabilities of voice interaction, music playback, to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming podcasts, playing audiobooks, providing real-time information, controlling smart devices, and more, student developers working in the ASU University Technology Office, guided by the Alexa team, created an ASU-specific skill for Alexa to enhance the campus experience for all as well as to encourage students to build other skills of their own. Anyone with an Alexa-enabled device can use the ASU user interface to get information about the university, including opening and closing hours for buildings and businesses, academic calendar dates, academic schedules, sports events and concerts, and even to play the ASU fight song. Scott Odle, one of the developers who expects to graduate next May, says the team even incorporated a couple of insider jokes, mostly related to the football team and its rivalry with the University of Arizona. Squires presents another scenario on ways voice technology can be helpful: A student takes notes in a class and can look at a website to see course materials and assignments. Alexa adds another layer because the student can say to Alexa, Can you get more information about the topic we discussed in class today? The students can embed it into an experience instead of sitting down, opening the computer, and looking things up. Thats just one example, Squires says. This program is important to our growth, he says. Bringing voice technology into our classrooms and onto our campus reflects our commitment to both the breadth and depth of the student experience at the largest engineering school in the nation. Nancy S. Giges is an independent writer. For Further Discussion We imagine a world where voice will be used by professors, administrators, ed-tech professionals, and students in the higher education world for a variety of purposes.Dr. Kyle Squires, Dean, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, ASU
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
How Badly Do You Want the Job
How Badly Do You Want the Job How Badly Do You Want the Job 14 When it comes to applying for jobs that offer more flexibility, youâll likely be vying with many candidates for the opportunity. Thatâs certainly for good reason: recent stats released by PGi show that a full-time, dual-income family can save the equivalent of four semesters at a public college, 90 days on a cruise ship, or 17 credit card balances by telecommuting. What does it take to score your dream position, whether youâre gunning for an in-house staff post or a flexible or remote job? It takes going the extra mile in your job search. Here are some quick tips on how to do it: Target your application materials. Gone are the days when you could simply send out the same resume, and virtually the same cover letter, to every employer youâre interested in. If you donât want your application to get circular-filed, put in the time to craft your materials to each position that you apply to. Research both the position and the company, and make sure that both your resume and cover letter address the hiring managerâs specifically requested needs. Develop a professional online presence. This is not your parentsâ job search. A few decades ago, your formal application materials were all you needed to worry about prospective employers knowing about you prior to your interview. But a 2013 Jobvite study found that nearly all recruiters (93 percent) now zero in on a candidateâs social media presence as part of their decision-making process. Thatâs jumped from 78 percent just five years ago. So make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date, and clean up personal photos and comments on Facebook that might keep you from getting the job you want. Remember the little things. Formalities like sending a thank-you note or thank-you email after your interview can make a difference and help keep you top of mind with hiring managers. For the interview itself, dress like you want the part: a recent survey by Adecco revealed that three-quarters of hiring managers feel that Millennials in particular blow their chances by failing to dress professionally. Arrive early, and remember to bring several copies of your resume to the interview. Understand what you want. Weâve all heard the adage about climbing the ladder and then realizing itâs propped up against the wrong wall. Taking responsibility for your career involves understanding yourself well enough to know what kind of job youâd really enjoy and excel at. For example, while itâs true that research from Boston College Center for Work and Family shows that flexible work arrangements may help ease workersâ stress by affording better job and life satisfaction, not everyone finds the same situations stressful. If youâre someone who needs the constant hum of the office to feel motivated, then you might not want that telecommuting position as much as you think you do. Then again, you might- so do what it takes to get it! Readers, how badly do YOU want the job? How do you go above and beyond in your job search?
Monday, November 11, 2019
Why You Should Always Ask the Hiring Manager, What Would a Typical Day Look Like
Why You Should Always Ask the Hiring Manager, âWhat Would a Typical Day Look Likeâ Why You Should Always Ask the Hiring Manager, âWhat Would a Typical Day Look Likeâ 1Of the many questions candidates can ask potential employers, âWhat would a typical day look like?â ranks among the most revealing. Hereâs why all job seekers should pose it during interviews. It provides a clearer picture. âAsking the hiring manager the question, âWhat does a typical day look like?â helps you understand the daily expectations and routine for the role,â says job search strategist Sarah Johnston, founder of the Briefcase Coach. âIt helps you assess the quality and quantity of the workload.â Similarly, hiring managers often talk in generalities. For example, âcommunicating directly with clientsâ might actually translate into answering a constantly ringing phone, not working one-on-one to develop new marketing strategies like you hoped. Job satisfaction rests heavily on the actual tasks performed day in and day out, so form a realistic idea from the start of what the position involves. Johnston recounts an instance when such knowledge would have been useful. âI recently was talking to a job seeker who changed jobs. She was originally in a role that was very administrative. She wanted more interaction with people and hoped to move into a sales role. She interviewed for a sales position and got the job. Unfortunately, she did not have a good understanding of what the job entailed before she accepted it. Even though the title was âsales coordinator,â the position was still very administrative.â It can uncover red flags. Got an interviewer whose response leaves you confused? Consider the inability to provide a sufficient answer a potential red flag. While some roles donât easily lend themselves to a consistent set of tasks, too much uncertainty often proves frustrating for a new hire and may signal that management hasnât really thought enough about expectations for this position. It offers a glimpse of company culture. As the interviewer talks about an average day, listen for clues about the general work environment. Does the team seem to spend a great deal of time in meetings? Are breaks and lunch mentioned? Which people seem to come up most often as ones with whom youâll interact (leaders, vendors, remote workers, staff from other departments, etc.)? Answers to these types of questions will help you develop a vibe about work style, relationships, and work-life balance. Itâs a good springboard to further conversation. Finally, remember that hiring managers like thoughtful inquisitiveness. Asking questions during the interview conveys interest in the company and a desire to ensure the match is a good one for both sides. While âWhat would a typical day look like?â is not the most original question, itâs a solid standard that demonstrates eagerness to learn more. The interviewerâs answer likely will spark other potential questions, leading to a genuine back-and-forth that makes a memorable impression!
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Most Ignored Fact Regarding Dental Hygiene Resume Exposed
The Most Ignored Fact Regarding Dental Hygiene Resume Exposed The Honest to Goodness Truth on Dental Hygiene Resume To begin the written part of your dental hygiene program, you require a compelling expert profile at the very top. You mean to tell the reader that you're the most essential thing that happened to him and his organization and that you ought to be hired! Presently there is in factn't any need to retain submitting a tired resume to every position whenever you are aware that it's probably not going to work. The best way is to select the support of Resume builder for posting a resume so that you can't loose the work prospect. Top Dental Hygiene Resume Choices In case the employer can't be in a place to comprehend the work program, you're going to be in a position to be sure that you won't get the job. Make sure to incorporate the way your employer will profit from having you're employed for their company. At any time you compose an application choose a simple stru cture. Tailoring your work application to suit a prospective company is simply similar. If you're not acquainted with resume writing, we suggest that you read the articles about how to compose a resume, how to format a resume and the way to structure a resume. Resume writing might be a very simple work if you realize how! Your background and skillset have to be conveyed clearly and accurately so an employer feels compelled to provide you a call and request that you come in for an interview. From that point, you are going to be in a position to experience the text edition of the resumes, in addition to see an image of the formatted resumes. Where to Find Dental Hygiene Resume There's strong demand for dental assistants across the nation, but you will need a polished and targeted resume if you wish to stick out from the crowd. You will need to generate your resume relevant to every job. You are likely to have to make your resume relevant to each job. A summer time job by wa y of your dad isn't really important to list. Getting the Best Dental Hygiene Resume You need to be able to illustrate the demand for instruction, to assess each person's skills and abilities so as to urge research processes and further instruction. Check to make certain you're providing all of the info required and clearly define your skill sets regarding application requirements. In the event that you opt to leave 1 job in hopes of landing the subsequent individual elsewhere, it's important you have secured the wisdom and teaching needed to contend using unique candidates utilizing the necessity expert growth experiences. The remainder of the employment method is decided by them. The time spent working on your resume isn't wasted. It actually is difficult more than enough to find work. As you most likely already know, obtaining a new work requires you to make a sale. Overly busy environment Work in the warehouse is fast together with the director is responsible for multi tasking to track the fantastic quantity of orders that might need to be accomplished. Key Pieces of Dental Hygiene Resume Subsequent, the totally free Dental Hygiene Resume Cover Letter Examples will request that you offer you a succinct summary of your abilities and techniques. The Master t he Interview guide can help you understand and apply key methods, which means you always leave an outstanding impression. The Qualifications Summary is the very best approach to initiate a medical resume. The Most Popular Dental Hygiene Resume Seasoned dentists who need to supply oral care for a selection of patients and prepare themselves to a single day own a private practice. You must keep the individual at ease. As the work title describes, dental hygienists make sure that the patient's teeth and gums are appropriately cleaned. Taking your toddler to the dentist from an early age will have them accustomed to the procedure and become more familiarized with the equipment involved. The Lost Secret of Dental Hygiene Resume You chose an enormous career and are gaining all the vital tools to equip you to be a terrific clinician! Finding out how to compose a work application may be an important success for everybody who'd love to climb that ladder of career accomplishment. Under your projects Knowledge heading you have to learn to your existing position or the newest job if you're not currently utilized. When you get a dental hygienist position open in your organization, you're trying to fill it with top talent as rapidly as possible. Things You Should Know About Dental Hygiene Resume The second portion of the exam is clinical and is administered on a neighborhood level. Yes, even when you are asking for an entry level dental hygienist position. Since you may see, the candidate quantified how several new employees he trained and the number of patients he treated daily. To legally work as a dental hygienist in the USA, an individual must get a license from the state where he or she is going to work. Using Dental Hygiene Resume There are a couple things you must know on the very best approach to compose a resume. Second, candidates have a challenging time locating an exceptional style which makes them stand out. When there is anything else you would love to learn about my work history, don't hesitate to get in contact. The rest of The ingredients were used to develop the traditional Coca-Cola beverage that was the mild model of coffee and preferred option for kids. What Does Dental Hygiene Resume Mean? It is really difficult to communicate, on a single page, why you are the ideal candidate. Much like the resume, it also ought to be no longer than 1 page. Second, you must understand how to arrange the info you've got. Your resume should also concentrate on facts. The Good, the Bad and Dental Hygiene Resume Dental hygienists fill an important function in the dentist's office. They do not need to seek certification as they a re required to hold a license from the State in order to practice. Many dental hygienists believe they don't require a resume. Licenses In the USA, all dental hygienists and general dentists require a license from the state in which they wish to practice.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Unexplained Mystery Into Resume after First Job Discovered
The Unexplained Mystery Into Resume after First Job Discovered Resume after First Job Secrets Most employers won't even offer a messy resume the good time of day since there'll be better resumes they can look over. Unless you happen to be a graphic designer looking for employment, there's no need to over think the plan of your one-pager. It's the trick to building an amazing recent-graduate resume. There isn't anyone golden resume format. Whether you are a newcomer to the notion of applying for work or it has simply been a very long time since you had to submit an application for work, you might find yourself confused about the different resume format types. If you don't have a lot of work experience, it can help to complete the CV and maybe can add a little more context. There are a lot of tactics to compose a resume. Whichever format you select, it should make you become selected for the job you're applying for. While preparing your resume, you want to continue in mind that it's the health care professionals which you are likely to address to, so your resume should incorporate content that will answer their specified needs. Together with mentioning the work type, if you are going to give a small description of your work in the cv then it'll be best too. Carefully reading the work post can help you create a resume that meets the requirements of the prospective employer. Your very first job is where you truly establish your identity. There are different things which will also influence how successful you're at your new job. To compensate for a deficiency of experience, be certain to accurately highlight your abilities. Though it is going to be obvious you have limited work experience, offering a thorough description of that job will make it possible for you to clearly demonstrate to future employers you could handle various responsibilities and that you know your own value to the busine ss. Another means to compensate for a deficiency of particular job experience is to receive specific education or certification that prepares you for the job. Applicants who've been in the business for a while and have a lot of experience should use a resume summary. Now you are all set to go out into real life and apply all the abilities and knowledge you've learned from school. Emphasize skills you have developed over recent decades. Since it's important that you know your relevant experience more and job history than your abilities. Moreover, recruiters are interested in finding candidates with wonderful leadership abilities. When you're looking for work, you are aware that you might have to prepare a curriculum vitae which is what you will pass on to prospective employers that you wish to work for. With the numbers the recruiting officer is ready to gauge your experience without a lot of issue. Detail Your Nursing Experience Hiring managers wish to comprehend the reach of your experience so that they can see if you're an excellent match for the work opening. You have to have a job to get experience, but you will need experience to have a job. Therefore, you will need experience to find an entry-level job, but minus the job, you can't acquire experience. Afterwards, you can get into your professional experience. The resume format sample ought to be carried out well. Since you may see, the candidate quantified how lots of new employees he trained and what number of patients he treated daily. Therefore, in case you have a resume that isn't in an ATS-friendly format, it is probable you won't be contacted for an interview. Save your resume as a PDF so that it's a user-friendly format for anybody who opens it.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Fraud, Deceptions, and Downright Lies About Extracurriculars on Resume Exposed
Fraud, Deceptions, and Downright Lies About Extracurriculars on Resume Exposed Lies You've Been Told About Extracurriculars on Resume The capacity to commit to a particular undertaking for an elongated time period is an admirable and appealing part of resume extracurricular pursuits. When you've had a circumstance where a relationship was fractured you have to reestablish a way forward. If you're vague about your targets, you will do more damage than good if you list something like, promising position in a forward-looking business. The aim is to take every chance to stick out from the competition. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Extracurriculars on Resume Employers want candidates with transferable abilities and experience. Hiring officers want to get candidates who have well-developed interpersonal abilities and can readily fit into the organization culture. Padding out your resume will not just be a waste of precious space but additionally, it will distract the employer from the excellent components. Leading warehouse jobs attract a good deal of resumes, so in the event that you would like to get noticed, you will need to pull out all stops. You may determine that the particular area you thought you wished to work in really isn't where you are interested in being at all. What Is So Fascinating About Extracurriculars on Resume? The education section will probably be a vital characteristic of yourhigh school student resumeso rack your brain for extracurricular pursuits. The very first section of your resume should incorporate information on the way the employer can contact you. Next, you will want to organize the list in chronological order, with your latest job or activity at the peak of the webpage. Making a list of your skills is a fantastic way to choose what volunteering route you ought to take. Extracurriculars on Resume - Dead or Alive? Remember that once you're no longer a freshman, you should get rid of the high school things. What will increase your resume and what's an excellent use of your time in law school. Writing your very first high school resumecan look like a daunting take. Also bear in mind that grades still matter in senior calendar year. By doing this, you're boast relevant extracurriculars but likewise be able to talk confidently about them (instead of that film club you joined for a single semester). Being part of a sports team or other student group demands that you learn how to work with those around you. There's a good deal of drinking in law school. The high school edition of Lions Club is named Leo. Understanding Extracurriculars on Resume Resume extracurricular activities ought to be carefully selected. There are lots of extracurriculars that are linked to academic pursuits. Attempt to take on leadership responsibilities once possible, and work hard to earn a difference in whatever activity or organization you opt to join. If there's a distinct correlation between an extracurricular activity and your preferred profession, then you need to include it. It can help you demystify law school. A commitment to an extracurricular activity on a very long time indicates a focus and dedication that is quite impressive on a resume and can result in a work interview, especially if you've received honors or awards for your efforts. As a rule of thumb, you can't need to sacrifice your grades for spending time in extracurricular pursuits. Students will write appellate briefs and then they are going to argue that brief usually on an extremely narrow portion of the law before a panel of judges. Want to Know More About Extracurriculars on Resume? The key is to concentrate on your strengths. Read on to discover why things may not be as bad as they seem and exactly what you can do in order to compensate for not having extracurriculars. I try to appear at life and each day like one enormous experiment.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Appeal of 2 Column Resume
The Appeal of 2 Column Resume Introducing 2 Column Resume There's a gap between columns. It isn't difficult to customize to your own data. Whispered 2 Column Resume Secrets In it, use a couple of sentences to spell out the position you're seeking, the degree of challenge you want or even the industry you want to work in. You ought to have the ability to discover the absolute best free curriculum vitae constructor which could help you produce a professional application that will give you an impressive job potential customer. Instead you might want to incorporate an expert summary that states what you need to provide the employer for a candidate, instead of what you're searching for. Professionally, our resumes are often the very first impression a prospective employer gets of us. The Career Summary section ought to be restricted to a few sentences that emphasize your relevant experience, skills and distinctive abilities. Work Experience Try to fit your latest work experie nce so that it starts on the very first page. Your resume or CV may be among the most important projects you ever design. Students may also do the job with each other to discuss why some details may be more important to document than others. Straight copying a CV design isn't always the best solution since it isn't always tailored to the requirements of the applicant. Utilizing resume maker computer software program is the fitting possibility if you're looking for a job readily available in the current market immediately. Your resume will wind up in an outstanding ATS ultimately, even if you might have networked your way through personal connections within the industry enterprise. Writing resume with the assistance of application templates easily on the world wide web has come to be the the most productive process of writing resumes that ensure you're utilizing the right format and proper information that's suitable for the job which you're applying for. 2 Column Resume - th e Story A whole lot of times people would just like to update a resume with a different appearance. If you plan to locate a function then your perfect point to do is usually to be ready. You wish to choose a resume template which will help you make a fantastic first impression, even before people start reading. Also think about whether there is anything else you can do to assist your resume stand out. Column Resume Features The template comprises several example section types that should allow you to obtain a location for virtually any sort of information you want to include. Thanks to two distinct columns all sections may be visible so that recruiters will know where to search for the most crucial info about you. They are easily visible so that recruiters will know where to look for the most important information about you. The References section is helpful to list personal information for people. For example, a number of office and client service based jobs will ask you know some simple office computer software such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Two-column resumes are somewhat more likely to be really hard to open or have their formatting distorted when opened employing a different program, platform, or possibly a different variant of exactly the same platform. Hence it is vital to go for a perfect format intended for an IT professional CV. So, as you craft a resume with a particular format, consider the organizations to which you're sending that resume. Sometimes you must do what you could to get noticed. Classic resumes no longer should include your fax or house number, and a few different things have gotten redundant. Most Noticeable Column Resume Now you may add your own private information as recommended by the plan and formatting. There are numerous web sites supplying totally free resume template with no watermarks or trademarks inside them. Producing your resume is essential. If you're not certain how to create a forma tted resume by yourself, we've got free templates below. Who Else Wants to Learn About 2 Column Resume? A simple resume template will help you become by that software effortlessly! Using resume maker software can even make sure your resume makes the proper impression. There are a fantastic number of expert application template that could be on the internet that you are going to be in a position to make out some idea about how exactly to construct an expert curriculum vitae employing best curriculum vitae contractor sites. More frequently than not, customizing your resume does not signify a major rewrite, but instead just a couple tweaks. The Fight Against 2 Column Resume Individuals who want to acquire a job as a physical education teacher may use the physical education resume. Continue to the next section, which ought to be education or employment history. It is hard to cover the lack of a degree or a deficiency of formal education without sounding apologetic. You may us e the nursing resume template to compose yours since it comprises a comprehensive curriculum vitae and a cover letter. A performing resume design template might become your key to landing the section of an eternity. Therefore, developing your resume in a 1 column layout will make sure that the ATS system scans the appropriate data in a transparent way. When you buy, the template is forever your own, and this means you can update whenever you have a title change or maybe want to highlight a recent fulfillment. Whichever kind of work you're looking for, the Gabriella professional cv template is a fantastic option.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
What Does Receptionist Resume Sample Mean?
What Does Receptionist Resume Sample Mean? One other important responsibility of several receptionists is office supplies. In many cases, the receptionist position demands no prerequisites. Virtually every office wants a capable Receptionist to deal with the outward-facing facets of its operation. Receptionists are some of the the junior employees of businesses, organizations, and private businesses. The part of a receptionist is extremely vital in any organization, and is frequently viewed as an entry level job that may change to numerous administrative tasks as time progresses. Not every business requires precisely the same quantity of expertise and skills a hair stylist at the same company might not have to carry out the exact same tasks at another. Crafting the ideal receptionist resume objective takes time and a good amount of thought and skill to receive it right. Salon receptionists will need to demonstrate the personable strategy, strong interpersonal abilities, and capacity to communicate professionally and courteously. Big hotels are always searching for disciplined and hardworking receptionists. Spa receptionist resume objective examples we are here in order to conserve slideshare. If you're applying to a specific company, finding out what they're seeking is foremost. If you're making use of to a specific company, finding out what they're seeking is first. Make sure that you get the information you're looking for. A front desk receptionist is the face of a company, so hiring managers wish to know you're a dedicated professional who focuses on accuracy in whatever you do. Customer service skills are likewise an absolute necessity so as to survive within the area of cosmetology. All jobs include things like performing certain tasks that might be considered requirements. Additionally, there are certification programs which will help you prove your competence for a Receptionist, in addition to highlighting your self-motivation. Exc ellent IT and secretarial abilities and an excellent telephone manner. Our resume builder provides you with tips and examples about how to compose your resume summary. There's no need to seek the services of some writing service to compose your resume when you are able to use resume templates to compose the ideal job-hunting tools. Use the subsequent medical billing and coding resume sample for a guide to make your very own professional resume. Actually, writing the reference list is nearly always unnecessary. So spend a couple of minutes picking apart each work description to find precisely what the employer is searching for in a candidate. Landing a receptionist job in an industry-leading business can go a very long way in accelerating your career towards the aim of a trusted office administrator. Your resume needs to be in a position to highlight your expertise for a receptionist and your capacity to effectively carryout the job duties that will have the position you att empt to obtain. Additional dental resumes can be found in our. The New Fuss About Receptionist Resume Sample Your resume's header is a kind of handshake involving you and possible employers. This template provides you with a great idea about how to compose your cover letter for Salon Receptionist Resume. Need some completely free cover letter templates. What Everybody Dislikes About Receptionist Resume Sample and Why There are lots of things you can do in order to make your resume the best amongst the lot a prospective employer receives. Particularly if it's associated with the work division you may be making use of for. Then it's likely that you might wind up not including some significant places and which include other people who aren't that necessary. Because a receptionist is the very first person that folks meet when coming to an organization or company, they need to be people who can help the business build a great relationship between the company and the clients. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Receptionist Resume Sample The following resume sample was created for you whether you need a job to be a receptionist in the veterinary clinic or perhaps hospital. Schedule your appointment today to acquire a check up for your healthcare receptionist resume. There's no particular guide available that could explain to you how you should craft your receptionist resume. Apart from that, there might be a lot different skills that you want to include in the receptionist resume. The 2 examples of objective statements for veterinary receptionist resume can be quite effective when applying for the job of a receptionist in a certain veterinary clinic since they are specific, concise, and detailed. Look at applying for a position for a receptionist. Who Else Wants to Learn About Receptionist Resume Sample? It's also crucial that you adopt a resume format that's fit for veterinary receptionist applications. The receptionist resume is the principal supply of information for your employer. Now you know how to craft a magnificent Medical Receptionist resume, have a look at our Medical Receptionist cover letter sample to complete making your application materials. A Medical Receptionist resume that's well organized, properly structured and full of relevant information will definitely get the approval of any prospective employer.
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